Thursday, January 27, 2011

Monitoring My Game Plan Progress

To date, I have been very successful in carrying out my GAME plan. Since I have some students with special needs, I am working very closely with not only resource teachers, but teachers in the self contained room that are very familiar with assistive technology. Some of my students have experienced difficulties with counting both up and counting back. A teacher suggested that I try Touch Math because she has been using this program. I am going to borrow what I need to from her, and try it on my SMART board. This will benefit all of my students, not just those with special needs. In addition, I have been speaking with the technology teacher, and she had suggested that in addition to the SMART board, I use the Smart Table in her computer lab. Some of my students have difficulties with using the SMART board, and I think the Smart Table will be easier for some to use. This will also work out wonderfully during center time as well.

I am completing my own research on how I can incorportate strategies to assist all of my learners needs. I visited the National Association of Parents with Children in Special Education, and it gives a listing and desciption of various assistive technology that can support those with ADHD, Autism, the Gifted and Talented, etc. This is a great start, because at one point when I first began my research I didn't know about assistive technology.

At this point, I don't believe I have to modify my action plan. I am turning to all resources I have avaiable to me including the internet, and other colleagues. Some questions that are arising are exactly what technology to use for what the needs are. In this case, I have already identified the individual needs of my students. I am now turning to my principal to hear her input. I know that we have many resources in the district and access to the technology, but now it is a matter of finding out exactly what we have. I believe that I am on the right track, and look forward to continuing my research. I am even more excited about incorportating varying technologies to support the needs and learning styles of my students!


  1. Hi Carol,
    I am happy for you that your GAME plan is working out really nicely for you! You are very smart to include all the resources that's available to you. I think that makes a lot of different to those teachers who don't know where to get assistance or where to find available resources. I think we all have a great start in carrying out our GAME plan.
    Things are all going so well with our other colleagues as well on their GAME plan, I am interested to know if you come across any problems so far? If not, have you reflected on any potential problems that might happen when you go further along the plan?
    Kindly share. Looking forward to hearing from you!


  2. Hello Carol~
    I too agree in wishing you well with your goals and how things are going. I have also found myself leaning toward colleges to support and give advice in conducting my game plan. Their wealth of knowledge is rich in supporting my journey through this process. It sounds like you have a strong hold on your plan and meeting your goals you have set forth. Great job and good luck!

  3. Hi Sarah! So far thankfully, I haven't encountered any problems. Right now I am talking and working with colleages. In addition, I am only at the research stage. A problem that may arise is having the actual technological resources I may need. Our district is going through some financial difficulty at this time, and we may not have all the funding. Thank you so much for your feedback, and best of luck with carrying out your GAME plan!

  4. Hi Mrs. Blankenship! We are incredibly lucky to have colleages that are willing to share their knowledge! I think our colleagues on line have been extremely helpful in this process as well! Thanks for your feedback!
