Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Connectivism and Social Learning in Practice

The Social Learning Theory is a type of learning which involves one learning from another. Students benefit from conversing with eachother. They share ideas, offer feedback, encouragement and as a result, have a greater understanding.

Cooperative learning correlates with the principles of the social learning theory. Through technology, students have the opportunity to not only create, but also have the benefit of working with others. When giving a cooperative learning task, you must present clear expectations. Students must know what the task is, and the criteria that will be used in order to assign a grade. I believe that there should not only be group accountability, but individual accountablility as well. The teacher is there to facilitate when needed.

In Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, examples are given of how technology supports the social learning theory. Multimedia is used by creating a rubric of how students will be evaluated. This rubric is not only for the use of the teacher, but more so for the students. Students can see how they will be evaluated, what is expected of them, and how they can succeed. Web resources allow students not only to search the web, but become connected with others all over the world. They can share ideas and feedback for whatever it is they are working on. This sense of learning from others then goes beyond the classroom. If a child needs assistance with something, they can reach out to others for assistance as well. Keypals are a way for students to become connected with individuals from other schools and other states. At one pont in time with had penpals, and this is a much easier, and faster way to collaborate with others through using the internet. Again, this supports the social learning theory because students are working and learning from one another. Building a website is also something that students can create by working cooperatively. There is much involved in completing this task, but students can complete it successfully providing each person contributes. Web enhanced multiplayer simulation games support the social learning theory, because students are playing interactive games on the internet with one another.

In conclusion, cooperative learning strategies correlate with the principles of the social learning theory. Students are worling with one another and now because of technology, learning can be done with others outside of the classroom.


  1. Hello Carol,

    I also agree that cooperative learning strategies correlate with social learning theory. I really like the idea of Keypals. I have never used this tool before. I will teach third grade for the first time this year. In third grade, students learn about Canada and Mexico. I plan to use Keypals to connect with students in these countries to give my students first hand information about their country. Students can use this information and experience to create wikis or web sites for each country. What a great way to have real life experiences with people around the world that we may not have communicated with before. I like the fact that it is internet based so we do not have to worry about our letters getting lost or waiting for long periods of time for them to be responded to. This is a wonderful social interaction with students outside my physical classroom that is based on technology and social learning theory.


  2. Carol,
    You did a nice job on this post. I agree about technology enhancing cooperative learning and the social learning theory. Penpals is a good example of how students reach out to others beyond the classroom walls and now with Keypals they can get a lot more out of it than they used to.

    Have you had students create web sites? I'm excited to do that this year, but am a little anxious as I have not had them do this before.

    Good luck with everything!

  3. Carol,

    Most computers now come and laptops now come with document cameras built into them. Even the new iPhone has one. Can you imagine being able to talk to a penpal over the Internet using a camera. Maybe you have seen the Oreo commercial with the father and the son having a video conference from half way across the world. Technology has taken us so far and we can do so much more in our classrooms. Of course, there would need to be permission and consent to be able to do this sort of project, but just the idea that the technology is there and available to use is remarkable. Great post!
