Sunday, April 25, 2010


This course has helped me develop my own technology skills by allowing me the opportunity to explore blogs, wikis, and podcasts. These are tools that are beneficial to use with my students, and I now know how to use it for my own personal use, and in the classroom. In addition, I learned a wealth of information about today's digital learner and what they need to succeed in today's workforce.

I will continue to expand my knowledge of technology by continuing my courses in this specialization. I am a life long learner, and I will utilize the technology that my district offers. I will continue to use the airliners, and smartboards. I will spend the time researching different ways I can use a blog, wiki and podcast for classroom purposes. I will also think about what material I cover in all subjects so I can research lessons to use on the smartboard.

One long term goal I have for my classroom is to utilize the technology that is offered. The more I use technology, the easier it will become for both myself and my students.

Another long term goal I have is to really set a foundation for my students to succeed. In order to do this, I have to look at each 21st century skill and create a plan of how to strenghthen my students skills in each area. I can offer assignments involving research, collaboration, problem solving, higher order thinking, etc.

I am excited about the future courses I will be taking. Each new course will help bring me a step closer to meeting my goals!

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