Sunday, August 22, 2010

Reflection: Final Blog Posting

My personal theory of learning involves making meaningful patterns. I feel that meaningful information is easier to remember, just as Dr. Wolfe had stated. I assess prior knowledge by using a KWL chart and help students to organize their thoughts by using advance organizers. I believe that students should be active in their learning . My class is student centered and I act as facilitator. I feel that my students will learn by doing and should apply what they have learned through authentic assessments. Cooperative learning is encouraged in my classroom, because students learn from one another.

This course has not changed my personal theory of learning, but what it did was give me ideas, and instructional strategies of how to go about carrying out what it is that I want for my students. I encourage using 21st century skills and want to expose my students to using technology to create something new. I believe in cooperative learning, and now have learned many ways to incorporate technology. They can use a voicethread, create a blog, and use the internet to collaborate with students all over the world. This course provided me with not only examples, but numerous websites that I can use to enhance learning in my classroom.

In order to incorporate my new learning in my classroom, I have just purchased a laptop to take with me each day. The computers in my classroom are not updated and I cannot do all that I want to do. By taking my laptop and making more use of the computer lab, my students will have the opportunity to be involved in authentic learning experiences that are enjoyable.

I would like to start off the new school year with teaching my students how to make a voicethread. I would like for them to think about a summer memory and take it from there. I think this will be interesting for the students and will give them an opportunity to provide feedback to their fellow classmates. I think this will encourage cooperative learning and using 21st century skills in the classroom. I would like to introduce my students to a class blog that I would like to create. We can begin the blog by sharing ideas of how to use the blog. Not only myself, but my students can offer feedback to one another.

My long term goal is to incorporate technology as much as I can. I want my students to use the technology and I want us to try to use the technology to create different things. If my class is to complete a report, I want them to use Read Write Thinking Press. When my students complete the unit on Flat Stanley, I want them to collaborate with other students around the world. If they are completing a cooperative learning activity, I want all of my students to be engaged and create something together. I will be there to facilitate every step of the way. I know that I want to do a lot and I am excited about it. I also know that this takes time.

My students mean a lot to me. I will always take into consideration how they learn and make sure that my lessons cater to their way of learning. Technology can help me to support whatever it is that I am teaching, and make it more enjoyable for my students!

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